Cinémas hors circuits


Welcome to the Cinémas hors circuits site.

Dedicated to independent cinema, Cinémas hors circuits is a project to highlight the work of independent publishers/distributors, cultural activists without whom many films would have disappeared from memory. As active custodians of a significant part of the cinematic heritage, such publishers have to counter the blockbuster mentality of mainstream distribution and the concentration of distribution networks.

To enable both the general audience and professionals to discover the films such independent publishers promote, and to encourage debate around new challenges and opportunities in publishing, Cinémas hors circuits offers:

a portal for independent publishers
a fair: an event entitled Salon du DVD & des éditeurs indépendants de cinéma/The DVD & Independant Publisher's Fair which wich took place in Paris in 2008 and 2009, in Poitiers in 2010 & 2011.


68 Septante / Artus films / AV Prod / Bazaar&Co / Blaq Out / British Animation Awards / Centre audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir / Chalet Pointu / Choses Vues / Cinéma Abattoir / Cinétrange / Clavis Films / Dérives / Doc Net Films / Dora Films / Doriane films / Ecart Production / ED Distribution / Epicentre Films / Filmarmalade / Index / JBA Production / JCG Production / K Films / La Cathode / La Famille Digitale / La vie est belle / Le chat qui fume / Les films du Paradoxe / Lowave / LUX / Malavida / Orbe / P.O.M. Films / Paris expérimental / Potemkine / PPT / Re:voir / Rouge Profond / Scope Éditions / Shellac Sud / Versus /


Guy Sherwin
UK, 1971-2007

OPTICAL SOUND FILMS collects the ongoing work and research of Guy Sherwin, one of the pre-eminent British film artists of the last 40 years in a unique artist’s book and DVD publication.
Guy Sherwin studied painting at Chelsea School of Art in the 1960s before becoming closely associated with the British avant garde film movement centred on The London Film-makers Co-operative in the 1970s.
His film works, often including serial forms and live performance, are characterized by an enduring concern with time and light as the fundamentals of cinema. Optical Sound Films explores in detail one of his particular and recurrent concerns, the synaesthesic relationship between sound and image manifest in the material of film sound. These investigations take Sherwin from physical manipulation of the very material of film through to live performances utilising multiple film projectors, all of which are explicated through drawings, diagrams, video documentation as well the films themselves. This publication provides a unique insight into conceptual and practical concerns for artists’ working with film as well as a detailed exploration of the processes and technology involved in its production and exhibition.